Long Nguyen at the AiPT PGR Voices
Long Nguyen from Aston took part at the AstonPhotonics Student Chapter event— “AiPT PGR Voices”, which celebrated the PhD community, highlighting its activities and achievements on International Student’s Day at the historic Highbury Hall in Birmingham on 17 November 2023. 17 November 2023
Sarah Masaad and Tigers Jonuzi at Aston University
On 28th June 2023, the Aston Student Chapter arranged a hybrid event entitled Potential of Machine Learning in Integrated Optics. Sarah Masaad (imec-Ugent) and Tigers Jonuzi (VLC Photonics) gave talks on the events as external speakers, while on secondment at Aston University.
Elger Vlieg from IBM Research at the annual Swiss National Future Day in 2021, 2022 and 2023
Elger Vlieg from IBM Research took regularly part in the Swiss National Future Day, an annual event which goal is to introduce and promote different professions to primary school students. In the framework of this initiative IBM Research in Zurich invites school children aged 10-12 to visit their premises and Elger Vlieg was showing them around IBM explaining to the school children about what it is like to be a researcher.
Sarah Masaad in the IEE Newsletter
We are delighted that our ESR Sarah Masaad was presented in the December edition of the “This is My Lab – Photonics Worldwide” column featured in the IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter.
Steven Abreu, PhD Day Netherlands
As head of sponsorhip Steven was initial in the organisation of PhD Day Groningen 2023. The event welcomed 700+ PhD candidates from all over the Netherlands and Northern Germany, the biggest PhD event in the Netherlands! Participants could enjoy over 20 inter- active workshops, inspiring keynotes and various networking opportunities.
Aston ESRs at the City Fest 2022 in Birmingham
Long Nguyen together with colleagues from Aston University volunteered at the City Fest 2022. In a one-day exposition the young researchers demonstrated different technologies that will contribute to future smart city life, from autonomous robots and augmented reality to self-driving cars and the latest ideas in sustainable living. Long was active in the Artificial Intelligence hands-on demonstrations showing AI examples to school kids. The event took place in the Aston Villa Park in Birmingham on 19 October 2022.
POST-DIGITAL Brochure Issue 1
The POST-DIGITAL ESRs with key organiser Mirko Goldmann from IFISC prepared the first issue of a brochure which aims to present the project and the ESRs to the general public and to inform non-experts about the project objectives and activities. The brochure will be published in two issues.
Steven Abreu in the Magazine at the University of Groningen
In May 2022 Steven Abreu, ESR1 from Groningen was invited to present his research on neuromorphic computers in the article “Working towards personalized intelligent computers” published in Dutch and English in the Magazine at the University of Groningen. In this article Steven gives interesting insights in his research on advancing AI with neuromorphic computing, an area that leads to deep questions, not just about technology but also about the nature of intelligence itself.
Steven Abreu in the organising team of the Three Minute Thesis in Groningen
In 2021 Steven Abreu was part of the organising team for the Three Minute Thesis competition in Groningen. It is an international competition in which PhD students present their PhD thesis to the general public in just three minutes (anyone is welcome to attend the event, and the winning presentations are uploaded on YouTube). The competition in Groningen took place on March 9th, and winners will move on to the Europe-level round of the competition
Steven Abreu, co-president of the SciCom writing club at the University of Groningen
Steven co-founded a writing club for science communication at GOPHER (Groningen Organization for PhD Education and Recreation). The club organizes regular meetings for young researchers to discuss, review and publish scientific texts on the club’s platform.
Mirko Goldmann at the Poster Week 2022, IFISC
With his video presentation “Inferring untrained complex dynamics of delay systems using a physics-informed reservoir” Mirko achieved 3th place in the field Nonlinear Photonics The video can be seen here
Long Nguyen and Sarah Masaad Goldmann on Erasmus Mundus events
In March 2021 Long Nguyen, ESR at Aston University and Sarah Masaad, ESR at IMEC took part in the online Erasmus Mundus student sharing events organised by Aston University. On these events Sarah and Long shared their personal experience in PhD opportunities and next career steps for MSc students within the Erasmus Mundus programs at Aston University.
International Day of Light 2021 Brochure
Celebrating the International day of Light the POST-DIGITAL ESRs decribe how their research relates to the concept of “Light”
International Day of Women in Engineering
To celebrate the INWED2021 and raise the profile of Woman In Engineering, EC Project Managers at AiPT produced a poster