Date | Event | Location | Details | Type of audience |
Size of event |
1 August 2021 | ETAI 2021 | online | Anas Skalli, ESR at UBFC gave presentation on the paper A complete, parallel, and autonomous photonic neural network in a semiconductor multimode laser |
Researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence |
1 August 2021 | ETAI 2021 | online | Miguel Soriano from IFISC presented research results in analog information processing with time-multiplexed optoelectronic systems |
Researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence |
1 August 2021 | ETAI 2021 | online | Alessandro Lupo, ESR at ULB presented research results in Frequency multiplexed optical extreme learning machine |
Researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence |
1 August 2021 | ETAI 2021 | online | Diego Arguello Ron, ESR at Aston presented research results in Noise-Resistant Optical Implementation of Analogue Neural Networks |
Researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence |
18 July 2021 | IJCNN 2021 | online | Mirko Goldmann, ESR at IFISC gave a presentation under the topic Exploiting transient dynamics of a time-multiplexed reservoir to boost the system performance |
Researchers in the field of Neural Networks |
25 June 2021 | CLEO Europe | online | Diego Arguello Ron, ESR at Aston University gave a presentation on the first project results in Optical implementation of analogue neural networks |
Researchers in the field of Photonics | |
15-19 June 2020 | ePIXfab Silicon Photonics Summer School |
online | Prof. Peter Bienstman, WP leader from the beneficiary Ghent University – imec, Belgium delivers an invited presentation on Neuromorphic Computing using silicon photonics |
Researchers in the field of Photonics |
5 Dec 2019 | 2019 Annual Research Conference at AiPT |
Birmingham, UK | AiPT Annual Research Celebration | Researchers in the field of Photonics |
150 |